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Dave Morico


David Morico received his BFA from Paier College of Art in 1994. He has worked in the graphics field as art director in Connecticut and Manhattan. In 2006, he started painting again and since then has sold his art to clients internationally.


This new series, “A Lost Era”, is based on the era of the 1950’s - 80’s. I have always been intrigued by this time period where products were built to last. Materials of steel, wood and wires, “buy once,” to last a lifetime.  Advertising was a big part of this era, people believed what they saw

in magazines; if it’s published it has to be good. I try to focus on items that captured people’s attention. People of the era seemed to be good spirited and have no fears of society like we do today.


I use digital montages transferred on to silk screens and print them on canvas and wood.  I find old books and magazine clippings from these eras and layer them onto my art.  Adding acrylics, mix media and resin, creating unique one of a kind paintings.


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